Our Services

Smart Farming Concepts

  • Consulting and support for the implementation of site-specific land management
  • Data management, GIS activities (land management, track planning, etc.)
  • Creation of application maps of all kinds
  • Customized solutions, independent of the farming technology used

"From soil sampling to application maps - everything from a single source"

Drone Surveys

  • Utilizing cutting-edge drone technology
  • High-precision data through drone surveys
  • Analysis with multispectral cameras as a foundation for implementing site-specific measures





Water Protection & Water supply Companies

  • Consulting and expertise for site-specific, optimized land management with a focus on groundwater protection
  • Planning, development, and implementation of cooperation agreements with local farmers
  • Management & oversight of agreements, along with support and coordination of compensation for farmers in water protection areas
  • Conducting soil sampling and analysis

International Consulting

  • Crop management consulting with fertilizer planning and plant protection recommendations abroad
  • Already active in crop consulting on farms in Africa, Hungary, Romania, and Russia

Contact Person

Jürgen Schwarzensteiner

[email protected]

Tel.: 0942494030

Mobil: 0151/16544403

Dr. Matthias Stettmer

[email protected]

Tel.: 0942494030

Mobil: 0151/46400764

Soil Sampling

  • Compliance with DüVo requirements (sampling every 6 years)
  • Reliable results due to thorough soil sampling
  • Various analysis options for an accurate overview
  • Sampling based on management zones
  • Storage of georeferenced sampling points
  • Support in defining management zones


  • Contact person for soil humus analysis
  • Integration of Corg analysis and bulk density analysis for meaningful implementation
  • Mechanical, georeferenced sampling for large-scale application

Albrecht / Kinsey

  • Comprehensive analysis of nutrients and parameters in the soil
  • Consideration of nutrient ratios
  • Site-specific sampling for reliable results
  • Many years of experience supported by our own trials
  • Competent contact person for subsequent implementation

Leaf Analyses

  • Analysis of nutrient content in plants during the growing season
  • Applicable to all crops
    Identification of nutrient deficiencies
  • Monitoring of fertilization management

Contact Person

Matthias Schranner

[email protected]

Tel.: 0942494030

Mobil: 0160/4013567

Dr. Matthias Stettmer

[email protected]

Tel.: 0942494030

Mobil: 0151/46400764

Practical Experience

Under the slogan 'From Practice, for Practice,' the Irlbacher Agrarian Academy was founded by the von Poschinger-Bray family.

Since 2017, farmtastic consulting GmbH has been managing the activities of the Agrarian Academy.

Agricultural Academy

The academy is founded on the values and experiences of our own agricultural practices and aims to create a platform and a network of consultants for fellow professionals to optimize their agricultural operations.


Neutral, independent specialized consulting tailored to your farm in the areas of crop production and plant protection.
We offer on-site crop and fertilizer consulting, decision support, and purchasing advice for plant protection. Additionally, we provide consulting for machinery purchases and machine adjustments.

Knowledge from Field Trials

  • Design, implementation, and evaluation of agricultural field trials
  • Precision trials, strip trials, practical tests, etc.
  • Focus areas include plant protection, biostimulants, fertilization, soil cultivation, and crop rotation
  • Execution of scientific research projects
  • High flexibility and diverse options for selecting trial sites through close collaboration with the estate of the von Poschinger-Bray family.

Contact Person

Matthias Schranner

[email protected]

Tel.: 0942494030

Mobil: 0160/4013567

Dr. Matthias Stettmer

[email protected]

Tel.: 0942494030

Mobil: 0151/46400764